I think it has probaly been about three weeks since he used it, if I am right, how long will these mood swings last. He also wants me to sit with him while he is sleeping all hours of the day. the the next minute he is wanting to cuddle.
He can blow up and get mad over the stupidist things, like the fact that we couldn’t get the pay per view movie in the bedroom when we bought it on the receiver in the living room, and according to him that was my fault. We can’t talk about anything anymore with out him accusing me of something. Anyway when I first met him, he was on active duty and he would come home and help me, he was very nice and we could talk. He thinks I should have paid him for the work he done. He makes less money than I do so I know he doesn’t have the money to pay bills with me too, but we had a storm come thru, before we were married and insurance settled. He owns a home which he is trying to sell. We live at my house and I pay all of the bills. I told he he didn’t have to stay here, he advised me I was trying to control him. I confronted him tonight, I told him I knew he wasn’t going for smoking cessation, he told me he was going to deal with me. He will then go for days where he goes to work then comes home and goes to bed.
He also has a heightened interest in sex. I think I have figured out when he has used in the past because he will not sleep for a few days and gets real dry mouth, the saliva gathers in the corner of his mouth and dries. He told me he was going for smoking cessation. I just found out today that he is going to a counseling service for cocaine usage. I have been married to my husband for 5 months. Be sure to tell the mother about the sites. PS She was sober for 6 months before this relapseĪnswer: Go to my profile and go to the sites in the organizations I belong to. She was breath of life when she was sober and I just want her back to girl I had three weeks ago. I would also like to know what I and her family can do to bring her home quicker. I have quit leaving her messages but she does talk to her mom every once and while. All I know is I loved her before she walked out the door so I still want to love her now. I have told myself over the phone through voicemail, that I would wait on her but in what capacity I can not say. I would like to know when I should or if I should expect her back and if she is giving any thought to our relationship at all.
I found out that she is living with her “really” good friend who is a crack dealer. I am scared to death for her and her family. I have grown to love her very much and believe she feels the same, but three weeks ago she relapsed on crack cocaine. Question: I have been going out with Jennifer for three months she.